HELP! I need answers.

Can I change managing agents?

You Bet! Contact US and check your Management Agency Agreement, and it will specify how much notice either party needs to give to terminate the management. It’s usually 30 or 60 days notice in writing. We can work through a faster take over if needed, so please feel free to give US a call to discuss.

When do I get my money!

Your finances are a big deal to us. We do our monthly statement run on the 15th of every month. You will receive an itemised statement outlining the debits and credits for the month.

Can you pay my bills?

Of course we can – Let US handle this for you!

On your authorisation, we can pay your bills from your rental income. Council rates, water rates, strata levies and landlord insurance are some bills we are able to pay for you. Please remember though, if there are no funds available, we cannot make the payment!

What happens when my tenant stops paying rent?

Should your tenant fall into arrears, we are aware of it immediately due to our ‘zero tolerance’ policy and our daily arrears management process.

Prompt action will follow, and you will be kept in the loop about all steps taken and what we have done in accordance with the Residential Tenancies Act and your instructions. Most importantly we will make sure you are aware of the failed payment prior to our payment run to you, so that you know that the funds will not be there as expected.

How do my tenants pay their rent?

Tenants have several options to pay their rent, leaving no excuse for the dog eating the cheque!
Direct Debit, BPay and Cheque are the options provided to our tenants. Under legislation we are required to provide a free method of payment to our tenants, which is the Direct Debit option. We will supply the tenants with these options at the commencement of their tenancy.

My tenant has given notice, how do I know what rent to market the property at?

That is why you are with US !

We will ensure that you are notified as soon as we are aware that your tenant is vacating. At this point will also ensure that we have arranged a pre-vacate inspection allowing us to see if now is the right time to consider improvements to seek a better return. You may be considering selling, in which case we can provide you with an up to date sales appraisal. All may be in hand in which case we will ensure you are given a solid price to commence the marketing campaign.

How will you find me a new tenant?

Leave it to US. This is what we do best!

There is no use in keeping your search for a new tenant a secret. Ensuring you have great photography and on point information about your property, we advertise your investment on leading real estate websites. Where we can and if approved by you, we can also use signboards and direct database matching to find your perfect tenant.

Who chooses my tenant?

While we will seek all the information and put our applicants through stringent Tenancy Database searches, the final decision is yours.

What happens with repairs and maintenance?

We are all over this!

Your tenant will advise US , or we will note at our inspections any issues that have arisen. Unless you have authorised us otherwise, we will be in contact to let you know what the issue is and how and who we suggest to resolve it. In the event of an emergency where we cannot reach you, rest assured we will act in your best interest and in accordance with our management agreement to deal with the matter as efficiently as possible.

What is a Routine Inspection?

This is such a critical process of managing your investment. It’s too late if you get to the end of the lease and no inspection has not been conducted by your agent.

At Uther + Sun Property we conduct an initial 3 month inspection at the commencement of your tenancy, then after this a minimum of every 9 months if all is in hand. If the white glove test is not passed, we deal with it at the 3 month point, not at the end of the tenancy when it’s too late! You are entitled to 4 inspections per year as an owner, and if this is your preference just let US know and we will ensure that these are conducted.

What is a Condition Report?

Without a detailed condition report, the tenancy can turn into a disaster ☹. Our detailed condition report, which complies with legislation, is completed at the commencement of each tenancy and provided to the tenant. It informs all parties as to the condition of the property. Our condition reports include photos and detailed descriptions of your investment to ensure we are getting off on the right foot.

Will you reviews the rent and increase it?

Staying on top of maximising rent is why you want US

We are committed to ensuring that your investment is in line with the market. We will conduct a rent review 3 months prior to the expiry of every lease agreement and will advise you of our suggested rent and when it will be actioned. If you want to alter this simply leave it with US and know you’re in safe hands.

If your tenant is on a continuation agreement, don’t worry, we have this covered by reviewing all rents every 6 months, again ensuring that you are moving with the market and benefiting from a well managed investment property.

What happens when the lease expires?

As the lease nears its expiry, Uther + Sun Property will be in touch with you to see what your plans are. After discussing your desired outcome, we negotiate with the tenant if requested for a new lease agreement. If you don’t want to retain that tenant or enter a new lease agreement rest assured, we won’t sign any leases without your approval.

Can you help me to renovate?

Absolutely and we are always thrilled to work on improving your investments with you.  Our team is passionate about property, and we are able to suggest a number of varied trades
for your consideration and if needed we can tailor a project management service for you.

What is my property worth – I may wish to sell?

We can help you with this, no problem at all. We will provide you with an up-to-date market appraisal giving you the information to make the best decision for your investment.

Help! I need a better mortgage rate!

Let US introduce you to our recommended mortgage broker who can conduct a health check on your mortgage/s

Do I need Landlord Insurance?

While it is not a legal requirement for you to have landlord insurance, we strongly recommend you hold this cover. It’s a big deal owning a property, and it’s important you are insured for all possibilities. We can introduce you to a number of companies that offer what we consider to be good cover for investors.

What Tax benefits can I utilise?

Have you considered a tax depreciation schedule? Do you know what you can claim on your investment property? Let US introduce you to number of companies that specialise in tax depreciation schedules and specialise in this field.

I want another investment property!

Go you!! We love to see our clients’ portfolios grow. Let US add you to our property alert, or give UScall to discuss your requirements and we will see what we can do to help you achieve this goal.

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